Migrant caravan causes road chaos in Mexico-Puebla Hwy
The Mexican National Guard this Saturday closed the Mexico-Puebla highway to the migrant caravan that left Chiapas on October 23 and is at the height of the Río Frío community.
“The objective of the march is to reach the Basilica of Guadalupe, the obstacles posed by the National Guard and the National Institute of Migration (INM) of Mexico prevent the caravan of migrants from reaching the country’s capital,” said the coordinator of the walk and director of the civil organization Pueblo sin Fronteras, Irineo Mujica, according to information collected by the newspaper ‘La Jornada’.
“They (the National Guard) closed the highway and the members of the caravan are on one side, resting,” added Mujica.
This was indicated by Irineo Mujica, coordinator of the walk and director of the civil organization Pueblo Sin Fronteras, who pointed out that although the objective of the march is to reach the Basilica of Guadalupe, the “obstacles” that the GN and the National Institute interpose. of Migration (INM) will again make it difficult for him to arrive today in the country’s capital.
The migrants analyze whether they stay overnight in this community because they still have another eight kilometers to go to reach the top of the Sierra, where the town of Llano Grande is located.
As reported in this newspaper, the caravan left San Martín Texmelucan, Puebla, located about 80 kilometers from the border with the state of Mexico, but could not reach Mexico City – as originally planned – due to surveillance the federal authorities and the fact that they were prevented from hitchhiking.
Last night, the international workers without documents spent the night in a party hall in the municipality of Santa Rita Tlahuapan, 40 kilometers from the Chalco booth, state of Mexico, and this Saturday they resumed their march, but around 9:00 a.m., the GN closed the highway to prevent its advance and diverted vehicular traffic onto other routes, the activist said.
“They closed the highway and now it is alone, it is just closed. (The members of the caravan) are on one side, resting, ”Mujica explained in an interview.
Regarding the plan of the migrant caravan to arrive “directly to the Basilica of Guadalupe” in Mexico City, he considered that it will not be possible to achieve it this Saturday, given the transit difficulties generated by the presence of the authorities.
Regarding the two people who were run over yesterday by an INM van, he pointed out that both had already left the hospital, and emphasized that the incident was caused “by the recklessness of the Migration people to provoke” the participants. of the March.
At the moment there have been no incidents, only the fatigue and hunger of the migrants.