After the home, the most dangerous place for a woman in Puebla is public transportation

The Secretary of Substantive Equality, Melva Guadalupe Navarro, pointed out that in addition to the home, the most dangerous public space for women is transportation, which is why they are working on a strategy to address this.

During her appearance before local deputies, the state official acknowledged that public transportation is one of the most unsafe places for women.

In response to a question from the deputy of Movimiento Ciudadano, Fedrha Suriano Corrales, the head of the Secretariat of Substantive Equality clarified that they created a strategy to prevent violence in public transportation.

In addition to that, they are working in a coordinated manner with concessionaires and representatives of the Secretariats of Security, Mobility and Transportation.

“Just as we know that the most dangerous place for a woman is her home, we also know that the most dangerous place on the public road is transportation, which is why we created a strategy,” she pointed out.

The official commented that she is working on an intensive training with people who drive, since they can also accompany victims during a case of violence.

Due to the danger, public transport units have placed infographics to encourage victims to report the incident and to follow the case to its final conclusion.

On another topic, the head of the Secretariat for Substantive Equality, Melva Guadalupe Navarro, reported that the government of Puebla has a budget to assist relatives of victims of femicide.

Source: diariocambio