Mexico’s Treasury Secretary tests COVID-19 positive


Mexico.- Arturo Herrera, Secretary of the Treasury of the federal government, confirmed through Twitter that he tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus.

In his official Twitter account, the Secretary revealed that his test was positive, so he will be working from home.

“I have just been told that I tested positive for Covid19. I have very minor symptoms. From this moment I will be in quarantine, and I will continue working from home, “he wrote on the social network.

Arturo Herrera

With Arturo Herrera, there are four cases of federal officials who have tested positive for coronavirus.

The first was the head of Profeco Ricardo Sheffield; then Irma Eréndira Sandoval, the secretary of the Public Function, and there was also Zoé Robledo, director of the IMSS.

Source: Notimex

The Mazatlan Post