Mexico sets date for Ban of glyphosate present in herbicides (and in corn)


Semarnat will totally ban the use of glyphosate in herbicides in 2024 due to its impact on human health and the environment.

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat) set for 2024 the total ban on glyphosate for use in herbicides, from which it becomes present in corn for human consumption in the country.


In a statement, the agency indicated that “given the scientific evidence of glyphosate toxicity, which shows the impacts on human health and the environment,” it was determined to design a roadmap to gradually reduce the use of the chemical.

Adelita San Vicente Tello, director-general of the Semarnat Primary Sector and Natural Resources, explained the current government is seeking a transformation of the country’s agri-food system in order to make it “safer, healthier and more respectful of the environment.”

The official reported the above when participating in the discussion “Why does Mexico join the ban on glyphosate?”, Organized by the Academic Observatory of Society, Environment, and Institutions of UNAM.

Likewise, he announced that, together with the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), he is analyzing alternatives to the use of glyphosate in herbicides of large-scale production, since “there are many management experiences with methods that the farmers and indigenous communities have applied Thousands of years ago”.

San Vicente Tello highlighted that, due to the above, campaigns are prepared with different information products, such as infographics and videos, which will be translated into various languages ​​of Mexico with data and scientific sources on the effects on the environment and health, with the purpose of alert the population to the risks involved in its use and, from this, individuals or communities can make their own decisions.

In 2018, an analysis performed in the United States samples of white and yellow corn flour from the Mexican brand Maseca found the presence of transgenic corn, as well as high levels of glyphosate; in response, the company defended its use under existing regulations and ensured that their cornmeal met all applicable standards.

Among other countries, France and Germany have announced actions for the gradual withdrawal of glyphosate products. Just yesterday, the Bayer company reported that it reached an agreement to close lawsuits in the United States who denounced that their herbicide Roundup, with glyphosate, causes cancer and said that it will pay around 10.9 billion dollars.

This substance is a central part of the agricultural revolution that exponentially increased the crops of genetically modified cereals and oilseeds in the United States, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay.


The Mazatlan Post