When will Mexico’s seismic alert be activated on cell phones

The federal government reported that the seismic alert will sound on all cell phones to notify the population about an earthquake.

The national coordinator of Civil Protection, Laura Velázquez reported, in December of last year, that the Mexican Seismic Alert System (SASMEX)  will reach cell phones regardless of whether or not they are connected to the Internet.

“We work permanently on this program to spread the alert through cell phones, the Mexican government implements a comprehensive mass mailing system that has been working since 2019, it is one of the most important we will have for next year, whatever the same message for the entire population,” said the official. 

Currently The seismic alert system works to alert tremors with an epicenter on the Pacific coast, which covers from Jalisco to Oaxaca, and issues warnings in Mexico City, Jalisco, Morelos, Guerrero, Michoacán, and Oaxaca.

When will the seismic alert sound on cell phones?

Although the federal government did not give an exact date on when the cell phones will begin to issue the seismic alert in the event of an earthquake and only limited itself to saying that it will be in 2023, the Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) indicated that it will begin to operate in the month of March, the date on which all cellular devices that are marketed must comply with the technical specifications for the seismic alert to work.

Benefits of having the seismic alert sound on cell phones

After the approval of the technical provision for mobile phones to receive alert messages due to risk or emergency situations, the IFT explained in a statement the benefits of the seismic alert being issued from cell phones.

  • Cell phones and/or smartphones must have the CBS enabled and active from their manufacture.
  • Users of the mobile service will have a reliable and robust mechanism on their cell phones and/or smartphones, such as CBS, for the reception and processing of alert messages due to risk or emergency situations, which, in a timely manner, precise, free, and unrestricted will contribute to the reception and processing of said messages.
  • Users will be able to clearly identify alert messages received and processed through a unique display, sound and vibration format.

What is the Mexican Seismic Alert System?

It is an early warning system for earthquakes, which notifies the population before the arrival of an earthquake, in order to carry out actions that protect life and reduce the loss of material goods.

As of 2012, the detection coverage of SASMEX covers, with 97 seismic sensors, the most active seismic region in the country along the Pacific Ocean in the subduction zone of the Cocos Plate and North American Plate, in the states of Jalisco. , Colima, Michoacán Guerrero, Oaxaca and Puebla.

Source: telediario.mx

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