Popocatépetl volcano registered 47 exhalations today, January 6

SAN ANDRÉS CHOLULA, PUEBLA, 08SEPTIEMBRE2019.- El volcán Popocatépetl ha mantenido intensa actividad durante el fin de semana, aunque el semáforo de alerta continúa en amarillo Fase 2. FOTO: MIREYA NOVO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Popocatepetl is one of the most active volcanoes in the country and is located in the territorial limits of the states of Morelos, Puebla, and the state of Mexico.

The authorities recommended that citizens “ignore rumors and be attentive to the information issued by the National Civil Protection Coordination through its official channels and accounts” which are: www.gob.mx/cenapred and @CNPC_MX on twitter.

The telephone numbers for the population to report emergencies associated with volcanic activity are 800-713-4147 and 911.

Popocatepetl is one of the most active volcanoes in the country and is located in the territorial limits of the states of Morelos, Puebla, and the State of Mexico. It is 72 km southeast of Mexico City, 43 km from Puebla, 63 km from Cuernavaca, and 53 km from Tlaxcala. And it has an altitude of 5,500 meters above sea level.

“El Popo” is still active and according to scientists from the University of Manchester, it is the fifth volcano at risk of erupting in the next few years.

In Mexico, there are at least 46 active volcanoes, but only six of these are declared by Cenapred as high risk, which is why it monitors its activity to react in a timely manner in the event of an emergency or a major eruption.

The high risk volcanoes are: Popocatepetl; the Volcán de Fuego, in Colima; the Ceboruco, in Nayarit; the Pico de Orizaba, on the limits of Veracruz and Puebla; the Chichón, in Chiapas and the Tacaná, which is on the border with Guatemala.

In the event of a major explosion from Popocatepetl, it would not unleash a chain detonation, because each volcano is independent, each volcano has its own conduits, its own magma sources, which are not directly related, in such a way that the activity of a volcano It will not affect the activity of other volcanoes either up or down.

Volcanic Alert Semaphore
Cenapred is the body in charge of constantly monitoring the activity of the country’s volcanoes, to determine the levels of danger, in this way it can issue preventive security measures.

In the case of Yellow Phase 2, which means that there is an increase in activity with the presence of plumes of water vapor and gas, ash fall, incandescent fragments, creation and destruction of lava domes, pyroclastic flows and mud flows. and short-range debris. The other two phases have the following characteristics:


In this phase, there is little or no activity that is only recommended by the Commission for residents to be kept informed about evacuation routes, meeting points, and temporary shelters. In its first phase, the volcano is considered calm, and in the second, that it has minimal manifestations or spontaneous seismic activity.


A Red Volcanic Alert is not only an alarm signal, it is also a sign that the authorities and the population must begin to evacuate the areas that may be affected in the event of an explosion of the colossus. In its first phase, it is considered that there is an intermediate to a high danger that presents eruptive columns of several kilometers, as well as significant ash fall and pyroclastic flows and mud in nearby areas.

Mexico Daily Post