Magic Towns, Municipalities, and Tour Operators Recognized at Puebla Fair 2024

For promoting sites of interest and the cultural, gastronomic, and heritage richness of various parts of the state, the Tourism Secretariat acknowledged the participation in the Puebla Fair 2024 of the 12 Magic Towns, municipalities with a tourist vocation, tour operators, and travel agencies.

For 18 days – from April 25 to May 12 – in the Tourist Pavilion, crafts such as textiles, amate paper, palm products, mezcal, traditional drinks like Yolixpa and Acachul, ice creams, honey and its derivatives, coffee, pulque, artisanal spheres, breads, costume jewelry, author cheeses, and the extensive gastronomy prepared by traditional cooks were promoted.

Each day, the 12 Magic Towns such as Atlixco, Cholula, Cuetzalan, Chignahuapan, Huejotzingo, Huauchinango, Pahuatlán, Tlatlauquitepec, Tetela de Ocampo, Teziutlán, Xicotepec, and Zacatlán, as well as about twenty municipalities with a tourist vocation, also showed attendees the artistic expressions of their communities such as dances, typical dances, and poetry, among others.

During this period, 30 artisans participated with various textiles, palm weavings, pottery, and leatherwork; 25 tour operators to offer the various destinations in the state and experiences to visitors; 12 coffee producers from the two bio-routes and 15 mezcal producers from various regions; in addition to also selling artisanal ice creams, poblano mole, cocoa drink, wines, and blueberry-derived products.

Source: Press Release